Saturday, October 16, 2010

Note From Shreya
By Kristin Hughes (Aunt Kristin)

I am a combination of all your hopes and dreams
A perfect little angel
Though you cannot see my wings
My mother so happy
My father filled with glee
For I am what you’ve prayed for
To start your family
I have brought you joy
A love you’ve never known
A baby girl to light your world
Oh how brightly I have shone
And even though we had to part
What seems as much too soon
If you look inside your heart
You’ll know I’m here with you
For angels are never far away
You’ll always have me near
It’s when you feel a gentle breeze
That you’ll know that I am here

Beautiful Words from Sushana Ragbir

Yes, it is a profound loss which I can't say I know how you feel. But what I can say is what you have gained. You gained the ability to see your baby, hear her, hold her and look into her beautiful eyes and develop that mother/child bond which would forever be in your heart. Undoubtedly it was too short. But it seemed from looking at the ceremony she knew her future and she wanted you all to see her move as much as she did and cry like she did as well.
You and Maurice are two very special people to have had a beautiful girl who is now an Angel. Could you imagine her being feisty as they try to put on her angel wings? Kind of like how feisty she was with the nurses. She's always going to be around making sure her mom and dad are ok. Talk to her, cherish her and keep her memory alive. Because this little angel....your angel will be the one who helps you put a smile back on your face.

July's Child
 by Sally Migliaccio (Compasionate Friends)

Fireworks race toward heaven
Brilliant colors in the sky.
Their splendor ends in seconds
On this evening in July.
"Her birthday is this Saturday,"
I whisper with a sigh.
She was born this month,
She loved this month
And she chose this month to die.
Like the bright and beautiful fireworks
Glowing briefly in the dark
They are gone too soon, and so was she
Having been, and left her mark.
A glorious incandescent life,
A catalyst, a spark...
Her being gently lit my path
And softened all things stark.
The July birth, the July death of
my happy summer child
Marked a life too brief that ended
Without rancor, without guile.
Like the fireworks that leave images
On unprotected eyes...
Her lustrous life engraved my heart...
With love that never dies.


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