Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Words to death

By Angira Draggon

My words to death

For my whole life I have feared you
Looked for you at every turn
But my thoughts are fiercely changing
As I gaze upon my daughter's urn

You are just fulfilling your purpose
In my heart this I know
But this time you came too early
A stolen opportunity to blossom, to grow

Shamelessly you strode into
My happy, hopeful life
And sliced right through delicate threads 
With the blade of your indifferent knife

I cursed your very existence
Damning you to hell
Then dropped to my knees and prayed
That you'd take me as well

But today I stand here defiantly
Holding firm to my place
Your worst you have already done
Everything else I can face

Because now I see your limits
As surely as I know God above
that even though you steal the breath of life
You are puny and powerless against Love